Sunny Ruoqi joined DCA in the late autumn of 2019. Her learning journey with DCA is very pleasant, inspiring, and rewarding. Among all other dancing courses like theatre dance and street dance, Sunny focuses on ballet, the more classical, comprehensive and demanding type.
AT the very beginning, she danced once a week. And later as she registered for the IDTA examination, she started to have lessons twice a week, one for learning and practice on the basis of a progressive syllabus, and the other is a special module for examination. Under systematic and insistent training with Ms. Susie and Ms. Sandra, She achieved “Distinction” in the Preparatory level exam, her first exam of IDTA at the age of 7 in the early of 2020. After that, she continued learning almost nonstop till now.
In the spring of 2020 when Hungary was facing the first wave of pandemic Covid-19, DCA offered online lessons and Sunny attended the majority of the ballet lessons, keeping the frequency of once or twice per week. The lessons offered by DCA are with good methodology to meet professional requirements of development on the one hand, and on the other, it is appealing in Ms Susie’s artistic delivering. The tempo of each lesson is not harsh and intense but effective and efficient. Sunny enjoys the free dancing part best. She also enjoys greatly all the music that Ms. Susie uses in the class.
Cathy Bo Wu (Mother of 9 year old child who attends ballet classes)