General Terms and Conditions
for enrolled DCA students
Trial sessions
- You may have one trial session where you pay for that class only. You must pay before the start of your class.
- If you decide to continue on the course then the full fees are due for the entire course duration.
- The trial class fee will be taken off the full course fees
- Each course has a different price for the trial class.
Waiting List
- To ensure top quality training we have limited numbers in our classes. If your chosen class is full then we will offer you a place in a class with availability or to be placed on our waiting list.
- We offer places on a course firstly to those who have paid their deposits and secondly to those on the waiting list. We go in order of first come first served.
- Children all ready in the school that need to move up will be given first priority
- A deposit is required to save your place on any course.
- Deposits are non refundable and will not be given back to you if you decide that you no longer wish to participate.
- Your deposit will be taken off your fees on the first day of term.
- Once your deposit is received we will send you an online registration that must be completed
- If there is place in the class you may join part way through
Leaving A course
- You are required to let us know in writing by the last day of the course term if you intend not to come back in the following term.
- If you fail to inform us then you are obliged to pay for the following term as we would have held your place for you.
- There is no refund if you decide to leave the course early
- There is no refund for missed classes
Cancellation of Classes
- If we need to cancel a class due to circumstances out of our control then your class will be made-up
Class Fees
- A fee is charged in advance for each session your child is enrolled in. You must pay on or before their first class.
- Fees are only prorated at the discretion of DCA and only when a student starts mid term.
- Fees paid by cash can be paid on ‘payment days’ at the venue
- If fees have not been paid by the due date DCA has the right to not admit a student into class.
- There are no refunds for missed classes or leaving the course early
Late Payment
- We will notify you if payment has not been received by the due date
- We have the right to charge a late fee if payment has not been received by the second class after fees were due
- If fees have not been paid we have the right to not admit your child into the class.
- Refunds will not be given for non-attendance, missed classes or leaving the course early.
- Refunds will not be given where a class has to be cancelled and rescheduled.
Other events/Registration/Fees
Exams, Parties, Comps and Shows
- All children may enter for rosette and stardances.
- A short course of private lessons are required if students would like to take an accredited graded exam .
- Comps are available for all ages and levels. A course of private classes are required.
- All children may dance in our end of term/year shows.
- Students need to sign-up for the exams, parties, comps and shows by the date given.
- DCA has the right to refuse children who do not sign-up by the required dead-line.
- Payments must be received by the deadline given.
- If the fee has not been paid then we will notify you and the fee must be paid immediately.
- If payment is not received we have the right to charge a late fee or remove your child from the event
Private lessons
- Private lessons must be paid for at the time of booking
- We will not hire the hall or book the teacher until full payment has been made
- No refunds for cancelled classes
- Classes can be rescheduled at the discretion of the dance teacher
- If a private student is rescheduling and/or cancelling too often then DCA have the right to discontinue classes
- DCA events take priority. Most of the time we know in advance, but occasionally we don’t so therefore may need to cancel the occasional booked class
- Fees are charged in advanced
- If fees have not been paid on time then DCA have the right to withdraw your child from the activity your child was signed up for
- No refunds are given
Changes to your Information
- After enrolment, please inform us in writing as soon as possible if there are any changes e.g contact details , changes in health
Personal belongings
- DCA takes no responsibility for loss or damage of personal property
- We check the premises for lost property at the end of the day, and keep it until the following week.
Communication and correspondence
- Any communication regarding Dance Craze Academy will be sent to the email addresses provided
- Dance Craze Academy will not be held responsible for any delay or non-receipt of an email due to incorrect contact details provided, change of contact details and we haven’t been informed, server problems or any other circumstances outside its control.
Health and accident
Participation in dance is potentially dangerous and there is an inherent risk of injury involved. Dance Craze Academy and it’s employees take no liability which may arise as a result of a child’s participation.
Anti-Bullying and Inclusions Policy
DCA operates a strict anti-bullying and Inclusion policy and believes all members of our school, including pupils, parents, teachers, assistants, helpers and admin team, have the right to learn and teach in a safe, friendly and supportive environment. We will not tolerate any form of abuse, physical or psychological, or bullying of any kind, including cyber bullying and trolling. ANY ISSUE SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY.
We reserve the right to suspend or expel (without credit or refunds) any pupil or parent that is found to be the cause of bullying or cause of any such distress on another member of the school or staff at our venues.
Filming and Photography Consent
Dance Craze Academy occasionally photographs and films our dancers for publicity purposes, teaching purposes or as a memory for parents.
Images may appear on leaflets, posters, newsletters and other display materials.
Images may appear in a DCA write up for a local magazine or local news media.
Images and footage may appear on DCA’s website, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and other social media sites. In our publicity material, on our website or both.
We may film our shows and comps
By signing the filming and photography consent form you agree to the above
Physical Contact Waiver
Where appropriate DCA teachers may use physical contact to support verbal instruction and corrections.
Students participate at their own risk. Parents are to inform us of any existing or past injuries or medical conditions that we should be aware of on the registration form.
Privacy Information:
All information provided in this form will be treated with the strictest of confidence and used for the purpose of DCA classes only. Only necessary information will be shared with its venues.
No information will be shared with any third party without seeking written consent.
We will not share any personal data with any other party except where the law would require us to do so.
All data will be held securely and handled in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) which came into affect in May 2018.
Agreement to the terms and conditions
The terms and conditions must be accepted in order to enrol in Dance Craze Academy
DCA Dance and Drama Egyesület
2476 Pázmánd
Arany János utca 11.